Making An Impact, Living Life in Hawaii and Being A Success

#365Musing I was reading a motivational message today and it talked about what do you consider success. Some people think of success as having money. Or having the love of family. And then the writer said, “Having an impact”. That went directly to my soul.
This website page, my book, my 365 Things to Do in Kona FB page, our YouTube channels..all making an impact on many people.
When I was “learning the lesson I needed to learn” in Lake Tahoe in 2016, I realized, since I was not writing for this page, or meeting with people to help them make a decision to move here or not or helping great events and people find eyeballs from my posts, that I was living a grey life. I was spending time with my family, which as great, but I was trying to get my 365 Things to Do in South Lake Tahoe going and no one was really responding and ZERO impact was being made. 
Now, that we are doing so much to help people with the Kona Newbie bbq’s and page, the real estate referral work, the daily posts on my FB page and making adventure videos to show people the joy they can feel by going to some of the places we photograph…I am having a successful life. I kept waiting to say that until I had “enough money” or a “big house”. But today..while watching a video about living life to the fullest, I realize that I DO! And I get to bring you all along for the most part!
I hope that somehow I inspire you to get out and live life with some gusto, intention, and adventure. You may see some posts that I share here with the hash tag #GetOutside. That is something that I learned to cherish after being trapped in my house in the snow in Tahoe, in the wind in Waikoloa, in the heat of Kona, when I have to work, when I am too tired…just get outside. And when I do, I look around and take it all in, and sometimes video it for you all, or I swirl it around in my head and take a photo to share here with some advice or enthusiasm. Or I get involved in a cause like the banning oxybenzone from Hawaii, or volunteering to lead a human rights march.. whatever it is..I find my joy in making things happen and encouraging others to join on in.
If you have enjoyed my adventures and this page, I am blessed that you keep showing up to the show. If I can share-don’t let a couch or a screen consume your time and life. The clock is ticking…

Spread the word if you love what you heard! #365kona so we can say Thanks!

Meet the Author

Julie Ziemelis

Julie Ziemelis is an entrepreneur, business owner, author, blogger and vlogger in Kailua Kona. She created and moderates the “365 Things to Do in Kona” page and the Kona Newbies group on Facebook. She blogs at and and vlogs with her husband, Eric, at “365Hawaii” on YouTube. Julie also authored the books, “How to Move to Kona” and the “Insiders Guide to Buying Real Estate on the Big Island of Hawaii”. You will most likely find Julie in Kona hiking, running, biking, taking photos and sharing Aloha.

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